Workplace Culture Assessment
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Evaluating Gaps Between Experience and Intent
Leaders can fundamentally reinvent their approach to effective organisational policies and practices through a complete evaluation of workplace culture by a Great Place To Work™ consultant. Great Place to Work will blend an analysis of your employees’ workplace experience, through our Trust Index©Survey, with an assessment of your programmes and practices, through our Culture Audit©.
Through this process, consultants identify gaps between the impact your programmes are intended to have and their actual influence. Consultants recommend those areas that will be most critical to invest in to make future improvements and provide insights that help organisation leaders be more effective and efficient at creating a strong workplace culture. The key is to align benefits and practices with a framework that defines critical program areas and the success factors distinguishing great workplaces.
For more information about any of these services and how they can be tailored to meet your organisation’s needs, we welcome you to contact us.