What is a great place to work?

“A great place to work is one in which you trust the people you work for, you are proud of what you do and enjoy the people you work with”. —

Your organization can be a great place to work, and as a result more successful.

Business leaders and researchers rely on Great Place To Work™ measurements. The annual research carried out by Great Place to Work is based on information collected representing more than 11 million employees in 60 countries, representing around 6000 organizations that vary in size, industry, maturity and structure.

The excellent places to work are built day by day through the relationships between employees and leaders, not through a checklist of policies and practices.

The common factor in relationships is TRUST.

The employees consider that an excellent place to work is where:

They TRUST the people they work for.

FEEL PRIDE for what they do.

ENJOY the people with whom they work.

Trust is the fundamental axis of the excellent working environments, which is generated through credibility with the bosses, the respect with which employees feel they are treated, and the justice with which they expect to be treated. The degree of pride in the organization and the levels of authentic connection and camaraderie that employees feel are essential components.

Vision of the Employee

Vision of the Leader

From the leader’s point of view, an excellent place to work is where leaders:

  • Where people GIVE THE BEST OF THEM.
  • WORK AS A TEAM / FAMILY all in a TRUSTED environment.

There are nine ways (or cultural areas) where leaders and bosses build trusting environments. The excellent places to work achieve the objectives of the organization inspiring, communicating and listening. They have employees who give their best when they are thanked, developed and cared for. And they can work together as a team / family when hiring, sharing and celebrating.

This fundamental model, confirmed through the analysis that has been carried out since Great Place To Work™ in the last 25 years about the opinions of employees, is universal and consistent year after year, country by country. It applies not only to all organizations, but to all types of demographics regarding their employees.

How is confidence measured?

We look at TRUST through two axes of analysis. We investigate the culture of the organization through the answers that employees provide in the employee survey, the Trust Index © survey, which works on the five dimensions found in the employee’s vision. And we look at the work environment through an investigation of its culture, the Culture Audit ©, which is organized through the nine practice areas defined in the leader’s vision.

This survey accurately measures the behaviors and the environment that forms the foundation of the world’s most desirable workplaces and successful businesses.

Business leaders, academics and the media rely on Great Place To Work™ metrics to set the goals that define a great place to work. These metrics (the Trust Index © survey and the Culture Audit ©) form the basis of the Great Place To Work™ methodology used to advise and train companies on how to become excellent places to work.

Great Place To Work

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